Yes, it’s cancer and it’s scary. A terrifying monster has suddenly taken over your life.
And it sucks.
Pull together your strength and courage then find your support people and prepare to face this unexpected, undesired new journey in your life. The worst part? Everything about this journey is unknown with many unexpected twists and turns.
While it feels like all control over your life is gone forever, the reality is there are still things that remain under your control.
It has taken time to get used to this new chapter in my life and there is a lot to be learned.
I am here to share with you my very personal journey on the road to healing. I’ll share the questions I faced and the answers I found while looking to be vulnerable, honest, and transparent.
I cannot tell you it’s going to be an easy journey and our emotions can certainly make it more difficult. I have learned much about myself as well as others as I’ve walked this path. No doubt, you will do the same.
I wish you many blessings as you embark on your journey. You are not alone!
I was originally diagnosed with grade 1 endometrial cancer (endometrial adenocarcinoma, endometroid type, positive for both estrogen and progesterone receptors), a cancer of the lining of the uterus. This initial diagnosis was obtained through an office biopsy, a scraping of the endometrial lining.
After a hysterectomy my diagnosis changed from Grade 1, a slow growing cancer, to Dedifferentiated endometrial carcinoma which is a grade 3 cancer. It is fast growing and aggressive along with being very rare. In addition, there is little on the internet about it and few studies have been done, because it’s that rare.
When I was first diagnosed I don’t think I grasped the potential enormity of it. After all, it was only grade 1 so how bad could it be? When it changed to grade 3 I still thought I was okay since it hadn’t apparently spread.
When I was first diagnosed, the thought crossed my mind to blog the experience. After all, I did blog once before about my travels while living on the road in an RV. The creation of that blog was rather easy since I used a pre-made design and put my posts in that framework. I knew I couldn’t do that for the blog I had in mind now. None of the premade designs I looked at offered me what I wanted.
First, some statistics. Endometrial cancer is the most prevalent of the gynecological cancers. The American Cancer Society expect about 67,880 new cases of cancer of the uterus to be diagnosed in 2024. The death rate from all uterine cancers is projected to be 13,250 women.
When I was first diagnosed I didn’t understand the difference between grade and stage and I have since found that this is a common area of confusion. Once explained, the difference is easy to understand.
Some believe dedifferentiated cancer is a type of cancer, but from my limited and non-medical background, I believe it may be a stage in cancer development. Should it matter to you?
Metronomic chemotherapy dosing is a dosing schedule that includes lessened doses of chemo given more often.
The Journey Circles were created to help with the emotional/spiritual journey. I plan to introduce them in the future but for now I hope you can enjoy the art.
Disclaimer: the material on this website is for informational purposes only. It does not constitute medical advice and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your medical team, mental health professional or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition.