Third Day After My Endometrial Cancer Diagnosis…

My endometrial cancer diagnosis felt a bit like getting bitten by a rattle snake.
My endometrial cancer diagnosis felt a bit like getting bitten by a rattle snake.

The Dust Settles After Receiving My Endometrial Cancer Diagnosis

It is day three after my endometrial cancer diagnosis and I finally feel a bit better since the biopsy.  That really took a toll on me!

Not that all the dust has settled. Getting a cancer diagnosis and my birthday the following day, it’s more than just a little difficult. But with the dust settling I am beginning to see things a bit more clearly.

Exploring My Cancer Treatment Options

I have always had a strong sense that chemotherapy and/or radiation were not treatments for me.  This was for several reasons.  First, I fail to see the logic behind putting heavily toxic substances into a body that is already compromised.  While endometrial cancer starts in the uterus, it can spread into the lymph nodes and later into the liver.  

Lymph nodes as well as the liver are both part of the body’s clean up crew.  They do their jobs differently but function to keep the body working well.  Chemotherapy and radiation, while killing the bad guys, will also kill some of the good guys.  At the very least those dead cells have to be cleaned up by the body.  But these two treatment modalities, chemo and radiation, also have to be cleared out of the body.

Given their heavy toxicity this becomes difficult both because of the intense load they put on the system as well as actually compromising the cleansing system.  In the end a person can become more compromised.  So while the tumor may shrink or other parameters may indicate that the original cancer has improved, the body is less prepared for the next onslaught.  As a result, new cancers, related or unrelated to the first, may follow.  All of this is just plain common sense to me.

Sluggish Liver

Secondly, my liver is slower than the average liver at cleansing toxins out of the body. There are two stages of cleansing the liver goes through.  The first stage actually can break down substances into things even more toxic than the first.  In most cases this is not an issue because the second stage comes in to clean up so there is no damage to the system.  However, in my case, phase two doesn’t operate as quickly as it should and therefore those toxins are not taken care of quickly enough.  If I were eating a very clean diet and lived in a very clean environment this would be of no consequence.  But living in the world we do and eating the way so many of us do, my body often builds up toxins if I’m not really careful.

Does Intentionally Poisoning the Body to Heal it Make Sense?

So tell me why these therapies are a good idea for me?  Now that I’ve had time to settle down into this diagnosis I find myself coming back to my roots and beliefs held for many years – I will not do either chemo or radiation.  I will certainly discuss this with my oncologist but I doubt I’d change my mind. 

Instead, a complete, or near complete, lifestyle change in order.  If my lifestyle is responsible for this cancer (something I will check on with my doctor), then my lifestyle can be responsible for the healing I need.  

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